Saturday, 24 March 2012

Finecast Hellcannon WIP

I've just started work on a hellcannon, A model I have been wanting to get since I started collecting warriors of chaos. It is a great kit that has loads of interesting details. My limited hobby budget has meant that it has been a bit too pricey for me before now and I hate waiting for mail order to arrive. Fortunately My FLGS had them in for £30.60 so I treated myself to one. 

This is how it looks so far. I'm quite pleased with how its going. It went together well and hasn't suffered too badly with the problems finecast can have. There are some miscasts on the wheels and bubbles in the fingers of the crew but apparently this kit was prone to problems with casting when it was metal. 
This fits in with the Chaos Dwarf army I am working on at the moment. I plan to replace some of the cast chains with fine brass chain I found on my work bench. I'll post more pictures when I've got it finished.

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